Part of the Interchange 6-9 Widening Program (Section 6)
Mercer County, NJ
NJ Turnpike Authority
Services Provided
Structural Engineering, Water Resources, Utilities, Survey
As part of the extensive Interchange 6-9 Widening Program for the NJ Turnpike Association, significant improvements were made to Interchange 8. These improvements included widening of the Turnpike mainline by 3 lanes in both directions including associated bridge widening, constructing a new toll plaza on the east side of the Turnpike, and construction of new entrance and exit ramps.
M&S was responsible for supplemental survey and field edit, structural design of noise walls, utility relocation and preparation of utility orders, and drainage design along a portion of the mainline and local roads.
Structural Engineering Tasks:
Drainage and soil erosion design
Storm sewer design
Drainage ditch design and stability analysis
Underdrain design
Basin grading
Utilities Tasks:
Identification and verification of existing facilities within the project area
Coordination with utility owners
Preparation of Utility Checklists, Relocation Plans, and Utility Orders
Coordination of utility service to the new toll plaza and building
Survey Tasks:
Performing detailed topographic survey, profiles, and cross-sections
Preparation of basemapping including development of digital terrain models (DTM)