NJ Turnpike Interchange 8

Part of the Interchange 6-9 Widening Program (Section 6)


Mercer County, NJ


NJ Turnpike Authority

Services Provided

Structural Engineering, Water Resources, Utilities, Survey

As part of the extensive Interchange 6-9 Widening Program for the NJ Turnpike Association, significant improvements were made to Interchange 8. These improvements included widening of the Turnpike mainline by 3 lanes in both directions including associated bridge widening, constructing a new toll plaza on the east side of the Turnpike, and construction of new entrance and exit ramps.

M&S was responsible for supplemental survey and field edit, structural design of noise walls, utility relocation and preparation of utility orders, and drainage design along a portion of the mainline and local roads.

Structural Engineering Tasks:

  • Drainage and soil erosion design
  • Storm sewer design
  • Drainage ditch design and stability analysis
  • Underdrain design
  • Basin grading

Utilities Tasks:

  • Identification and verification of existing facilities within the project area
  • Coordination with utility owners
  • Preparation of Utility Checklists, Relocation Plans, and Utility Orders
  • Coordination of utility service to the new toll plaza and building

Survey Tasks:

  • Performing detailed topographic survey, profiles, and cross-sections
  • Preparation of basemapping including development of digital terrain models (DTM)
  • Established supplemental traverse control